Before you go ahead for a major transformation with rebonding, it is necessary that you know all about the procedure beforehand and be well aware of what it entails.
In rebonding, chemicals are used to break the natural bonds of the cells in the hair and then they are rearranged to get straight hair, Rod Anker, Creative Director of Monsoon Salon and Spa, that offer a huge discount on rebonding, said. Anker explained that a relaxant or a softener is used to break the natural bonds in the hair, followed by a neutralizer to re-bond the structure again, giving you the desired texture.

Suguna Shah, of Lakme Salon, continued saying that rebonding is almost hassle-free - especially if you are doing it during the summers or as the climate warms up. You just need to condition hair well and protect it from heat and it will not get damaged, she asserted. Since care in the first few days after rebonding is crucial, Shah said that it is necessary that you keep hair covered and protected. Also do not wet your hair for three days after the procedure, because the chemicals have to seep in and settle. (
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