
Friday, May 16, 2014

How to have abs slim as a willow

Planning to spend the summer by a sun-kissed beach, but don't have a flat tummy? Here's a plan

So, you are heading out for a beach holiday this summer. But is your body ready to adorn that colourful two piece? Don't fret. We have the five-step plan to help you shape your flabby abs.

Stacked plank 

Lie on your stomach, propped up on bent elbows (line them up under your shoulders), with feet together, and your toes tucked under. Pull stomach in tight, and lift hips off the floor until they are in line with your chest. 'Stack' right toe on top of left heel, hold for 30 seconds. Switch legs, hold for 30 seconds.

Tip to great abs 

Diet plays a huge role in having fab abs, so eat well for best results. Eat four-six small meals a day that combine a protein and fat (peanut butter or egg whites and avocado) to help shed fat fast. A big part (of great abs) is eating clean. Ditch all chemicals and preservatives that bloat.

Bicycle crunch freeze 

Lie on back, doing a traditional bicycle crunch (Cross opposite elbow to knee while other leg extends parallel to the floor). Hold twist to one side and do five small pulses to the knee (That's one rep). Do 10 reps alternating sides each time.

Tip to great abs 

Incorporating multi-muscle group, strength building moves such as squats and lunges can help increase your overall calorie burn while also toning your tummy. You'll burn more calories and tone your midsection because of how the body has to support itself in those positions.

Towel slide 

From an all-fours position, place a folded hand towel under toes. (Be sure to do this on a smooth surface so the towel can slide. Extend legs straight out behind you (so body is in a full plank position). Keeping shoulders over hands bend knees and scoop abs in while you draw the towel in towards your body, stopping with knees bent almost under your hips. Push legs back out to full plank. Work up to 10 reps in a row.

Tip to great abs 

Drink three litres of water with lemon a day to help detoxify the liver and reduce body fat around the abdomen.

Old school sit up

Lie on back, with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Place hands behind head, with elbows out to the sides, and sit all the way up. Keep feet flat on the ground. If you aren't able to come all the way up, place hands under thighs and assist your way up. Slowly roll back down to the ground.

Tip to great abs 

Multi-task your ab training with cardio workouts like kickboxing. It will not only help you work your abs with every punch and kick, you'll burn fat and tone your entire body all at the same time.


Lie on back, with legs extended to the ceiling, and arms on the floor, palms facing down by hips. With feet together, trace a circle from the right to the left with legs, lifting hips off the ground as legs come in towards your head. Try five large circles to the right and then to your left.

Tip to great abs

Want to fit into those skinny jeans? Try this 5-Second Flat Belly Fix: Inhale, then exhale pulling your rib cage down and navel into your spine. This easy move will turn your lower belly muscles into an abdominal girdle, immediately shrinking your mid-section.

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